Kettle Moraine Oak Opening State Natural Area

Located within the Southern Unit of the Kettle Moraine State Forest, and included as an Important Bird Area, this 659-acre SNA lies in a rugged landscape of glacially formed kettle holes, kames and gravelly hills and ridges. The area is a mix of oak opening and woods dominated by open-grown bur and black oaks. Small dry prairie openings occur on gravel knobs and steep ridges. Bald Bluff, the largest and most diverse of these, contains short grass prairie. This property is important for species of birds that require savanna and upland forest habitat including the Acadian Flycatcher, Eastern Kingbird, Brown Thrasher and Hooded, Cerulean and Kentucky Warbler.

Directions: From Palmyra, travel south 2.7 miles on Cty H to the Bald Bluff parking area, east of the road.

Kettle Moraine Oak Opening State Natural Area map

Gazetteer: Page 30, B-1 (prior to 10th edition). | Page 94, A-3 (10th edition).

Phone: 262/594-6200.

Web site: WDNR Kettle Moraine Oak Opening State Natural Area

Signature Species: Great-horned Owl, White-breasted Nuthatch, Red-bellied Woodpecker, and Hairy Woodpecker.

Rare species: Red-headed Woodpecker, Golden-crowned Kinglet, and Golden-winged Warbler.

Parking: Parking area.

Nearest food & lodging: Palmyra.