Muralt Bluff Prairie State Natural Area

This 62-acre prairie blankets a long, sweeping ridge in an area of older glacial drift midway between the glaciated lands to the east and the Driftless Area to the west. Grasses of this dry-mesic prairie include side-oats gramma, Indiangrass, plains muhly and prairie drop-seed. In the spring, outstanding displays of pasque-flower, shooting star, prairie smoke and bird’s-foot violet can be seen. All summer long, the goldenrods and blazing stars attract butterflies that are abundant. Grassland birds are becoming more common as prescribed fire and brush removal creates a larger, open landscape. The state-threatened Bell’s Vireo nests here as well as Eastern Bluebird, American Woodcock, Field Sparrow and Eastern Meadowlark.

Directions: From Albany, go south and west 2 miles on Hwy 59, then north and west 1.8 miles on Cty F, then south .1 mile on an access lane to a parking area.

Muralt Bluff Prairie State Natural Area map

Gazetteer: Page 28, C-1 (prior to 10th edition). | Page 92, C-3 (10th edition).

Phone: 608/266-7012 (WDNR).

Web site: WDNR Muralt Bluff Prairie State Natural Area

Signature Species: Bobolink, Grasshopper Sparrow and Western Meadowlark.

Rare species: Upland Sandpiper and Henslow’s Sparrow.

Parking: Parking Area.

Nearest Food & Lodging: Albany.