Turtle Creek State Wildlife Area

This 1,035-acre SWA snakes along Turtle Creek for 10 miles in western Walworth and eastern Rock Counties. The property is broken into 4 segments with 10 road crossings and parking lots scattered along its length. Some hiking trails provide access. The habitat is sedge meadow, shrub carr, hardwood forest, and small prairie remnants. The bird life is rich with savanna, woodland, and water birds in abundance. Yellow, Blue-winged and Golden-winged Warblers can be found in the brushy and marshy areas, with Eastern Meadowlark, Brown Thrasher and Lark Sparrow in the brush and shrub carr areas. Look for large fall and winter concentrations of Canada Geese. Mammals here include mink, coyotes, fox, deer, opossum and fox squirrels.

Directions: Access the property west of Delavan via Hwy 11 or Cty M.

Turtle Creek State Wildlife Area map

Gazetteer: Page 29, C-7 (prior to 10th edition). | Page 94, D-1 (10th edition).

Phone: 414/263-8606 (WDNR Southwest Region).

Web site: WDNR Turtle Creek State Wildlife Area

Signature Species: Prothonotary Warbler, Red-shouldered Hawk, and
Henslow’s Sparrow.

Rare species: Cerulean Warbler, American Redstart and Yellow-crowned Night-Heron.

Parking: Parking lots.

Nearest food & lodging: Delavan.